Thoughts on Fatherhood .....

Our son Ibrahim is 18 months old and his birth has changed a lot of things. This may sound like a bit of cli·ché, the dad life changes your life. We feel blessed and are enjoying the stages of our son’s growth. There is no feeling like coming back home after a long day at work and having your bundle of joy run to you with a big smile. In my opinion, these little moments add joy to your life.

Raising a child is no small responsibility. I did not read any new parent books to prepare myself for this journey. I trusted my instincts and simply went with the flow. In the past year and a half, there were moments of struggle and satisfaction. Here is how it unfolded.

Car Seat
Trust me, it starts with the car seat. Our son was born when Covid hit Canada in 2020. There were no vaccines and lockdowns were all over the map. We were unfortunately robbed of the opportunity to shop at the store. A lot of our baby items came in the mail and some were actually delayed. The car seat was one of those items which didn’t get to our home on time. We were expecting our baby during the first week of June and he arrived on May 19, 2020. So we had to borrow a car seat from a friend on the day of. Not fun, but we pulled it off. Until that day, I had no idea car seat installation was such a daunting task. To make the task a little bit more demanding it had started to rain that day. I am really thankful to all those dads out there who had made YouTube videos for all major car seat brands for babies.

Lesson Learned
Don’t take anything for granted. Nothing is as easy as it seems. Watch the videos in advance and get the car seat installed in advance.

Your Partner & You Need All The Help
I am thankful that I was able to work from home during this time. Although I was home for maybe two weeks, my wife definitely could use an extra set of hands. My mom made tons of food and sent it our way. Not having to cook or shop for groceries takes some of the stress away. Show gratitude to your colleagues for stepping in for you when you had to manage your personal life. Love your family and friends for supporting you during this life-changing time.

Gripe Water
This was an early win. Babies usually have colic issues during the first few months. There are a host of reasons why babies cry and become fussy. We relied on the nonalcohol gripe water to get through this chaotic time. Buy a few bottles they are not expensive. Must have for those nights when you have no idea what is going on.

Oh boy, I had no idea how demanding this task is until you are actually traveling. Getting babies ready during the winter months is much harsher than it is during the summer months. During summer it is a simple load and lock. In the winter, there is the winter jacket and our son was not a huge fan of getting into his jacket. We would wear our jackets and be ready first and then get him ready. The 10 minutes it would take us to get him in his jacket, his shoes, and his toque would leave us sweaty and stressed.

Life Hack
Go out with your kid more and more often you repeat the process the more he/she learns the process. There is this awesome youtube channel called Cocomelon. Although I am not a huge fan of babies and phones. But this handheld entertainment unit is a lifesaver on those drives to visit family, pediatric clinics, and flying time during air travel.

Baby Food
Thankfully our son is not a fussy eater. As soon as he got off his mama’s milk, he started eating regular smashed baby food. The caveat here is that kids eat little and get hungry every 1.5 hours. Carry a snack bag, which my wife does on all our trips so we are prepared for the drama which can unravel any time.

Your partner and you will continue to be sleep-deprived. I am a light sleeper, so every time he wakes up for his night meals, I wake up.

Life Hack
Teach yourself to sleep in breaks. I have had to use some calming music to fall asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. It’s a learning curve, don’t be hard on yourself in the first few months. It takes time.

Tag Team
In my opinion, you have to almost always tag team with your spouse. Working as a team is a helpful strategy. We tag team on almost everything from grocery shopping to doctor’s appointments. It is easier on both parents when they have support from the other. Maternity leave is a great option for being there for your kid as long as you can. We explored the daycare option but decided not to send our kid because of covid issues. So Ibrahim is mostly looked after by his mom when I go to work and I help out in whatever way I can after I get back from work.

Gone were the days when my wife and I could get ready and hit the road in an hour. Being a parent changes your life for good. The fun part is to watch your baby grow, smile, explore his/her motor skills, play, and forget the worries of the world when you get home. Babies are fun to be around. The joy of fatherhood softens you and there is no book that can prepare you for the journey. In conclusion, stay calm and enjoy the ride.
