The Practice and Mental Health

With every passing day, there is a sense of realization that everything around you is changing and changing fast. We do live in a very dynamic world and everything around you is in a state of flux. On any given day, all that matters is how one responds to these changes. There are certain things one has control over and there are certain things that are outside of one’s domain. Recognizing what is out of your control is extremely helpful when formulating a response to these demands.

Managing professional practice, family commitments, personal health, friendships, and all the life stuff can get overwhelming. I have had the opportunity to practice engineering and law. I am able to relate, compare and contrast the stressors of two professions. I can undoubtedly attest my experience in engineering has been less stressful when compared to the work stressors in the practice of law.

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Thoughts on Fatherhood .....

Our son Ibrahim is 18 months old and his birth has changed a lot of things. This may sound like a bit of cli·ché, the dad life changes your life. We feel blessed and are enjoying the stages of our son’s growth. There is no feeling like coming back home after a long day at work and having your bundle of joy run to you with a big smile. In my opinion, these little moments add joy to your life.

Raising a child is no small responsibility. I did not read any new parent books to prepare myself for this journey. I simply went with the flow. In the past year and a half, there were moments of struggle and satisfaction. Here is how it unfolded.

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